Litvyak Olesya Valerievna (Candidate of philol. sci., assistant professor, Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University named after Fevzi Yakubov )
Dzhaparova Edie Karimovna (Candidate of philol. sci., assistant professor, Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University named after Fevzi Yakubov )
This scientific article examines the conceptual phenomenon of "duality" through its discursive expression by the representatives as MASK and DOPPELGANGER in classical works of German literature. The word "doppelganger" in relation to a literary hero is often not used systematically and has different interpretations, as it is included in various thematic lexical groups. The scientific research also determines the boundaries of the use of the conceptual representations of the DOPPELGANGER and the MASK, as well as analyzes the linguistic phenomena of the semantic modification of the concept of "duality" in the German-language artistic discourse. The traditional motives of "artistic-linguistic duality" characteristic of the German-language classical literature of the periods of Romanticism, Renaissance and realism are analyzed. The reasons for their appearance in literary works of these epochs are described. The effect of duality is considered and analyzed. It is concluded that this effect is achieved in two stages: at the level of certain heroic images; at the level of split consciousness and the inner world of the protagonist. In conclusion, the authors concluded that the conceptual phenomenon of duality, represented in the German-language artistic discourse, is more often used to express the "dark side": the conceptual representatives of die Maske and der Doppelgänger share the consciousness of the hero and the presence of an independent character in the work, a double of the main character, who is both a symbol of death and a symbolization of infinite life at the same time.
Keywords:conceptual representative, duality, mask, doppelganger, artistic-linguistic duality, artistic discourse
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Citation link: Litvyak O. V., Dzhaparova E. K. MASK AND DOPPELGANGER AS CONCEPTUAL REPRESENTATIVES OF DUALITY IN GERMAN-LANGUAGE ARTISTIC DISCOURSE // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2023. -№09. -С. 145-149 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2023.9.22 |