Kuznetsova V. I. (Postgraduate Student,
Moscow Pedagogical State University
The article substantiates the importance of students’ independent work in distance learning of Russian as a foreign language (RFL) and reveals the variety of techniques and tasks for developing the ability to self-education by foreigners. The experience of RLF teachers from China is mentioned and analyzed; the characteristic features and peculiarities of teaching Chinese students are outlined. The DoubleSubs tool is proposed for foreign students to watch authentic videos in Russian in order to learn new vocabulary and improve the ability to perceive spontaneous speech. The need to create tasks of a problem-search nature through search engines is noted, the online tools "Google Books Ngram Viewer" and "Balaboba" are evaluated in terms of developing the skills of academic analysis and orientation in the Russian-language Internet.
Keywords:individual activity, remote learning, Russian as a foreign language, online tools, listening
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Citation link: Kuznetsova V. I. ONLINE TOOLS FOR INDIVIDUAL EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITY ON THE LEARNING RFL BY FOREIGN STUDENTS // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2024. -№01. -С. 52-55 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2024.01.16 |