Semenova Sofiya Novikovna (Associate Professor, Kuban State University)
Zhandarova Anna Vitaljevna (Associate Professor, Kuban State University)
Posokhova Polina Aleksandrovna (Kuban State University)
The paper considers the fairy tale of Hans Christian Andersen “The Tinder Box” in English and Russian translations. The study analyzes the similarities and differences in two texts. The purpose of the article is to find examples of artistic means of expression and adjectives in the texts of two variants of the fairy tale in comparative terms. The data obtained are classified in table structures that demonstrate examples in two languages and their quantitative composition. The relevance of the research is determined by the fact that a literary text is a tool that stimulates cognitive processes and reflects the culture and vocabulary of the authors of translations, which is important for conducting scientific research aimed at studying texts from the structural and substantive points of view. During the review of the material the authors used such methods as: 1) continuous sampling; 2) classification; 3) interpretation.
Keywords:Hans Christian Andersen, fairy tale, translation, means of expression, adjective, table, language
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Citation link: Semenova S. N., Zhandarova A. V., Posokhova P. A. COGNITIVE AND PRAGMATIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE TEXT (BASED ON HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN’S FAIRY TALE “THE TINDER BOX” IN TWO LANGUAGES) // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2024. -№04. -С. 168-175 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2024.04.34 |