Ladovich Aleksandr Aleksandrovich (Postgraduate student of the Department of History and Documentology
Kurgan State University
The article considers extensive literary sources directly devoted to the development of the transportation system of Western Siberia. In the process of research the degree and character of description in domestic historical researches of the problem of genesis and evolution of transport communications of Western Siberia in the XIX century is established. It is noted that the studies of the Soviet period affected the major land and water highways, their role in the colonization of the territory and the relationship with the migration of the population. On the basis of a wide range of publicist works, reflecting the views of various business, political and public figures, the problems and prospects of studies of the state and development of the transport system of Western Siberia in the XIX century are analyzed
Keywords:development, transportation, road infrastructure, Western Siberia, post-Soviet historiography, Trans-Siberian Railway
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Citation link: Ladovich A. A. STUDY OF THE STATE AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM OF WESTERN SIBERIA IN THE XIXTH CENTURY. IN MODERN HISTORICAL SCIENCE: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF RESEARCH // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2024. -№05. -С. 26-30 DOI 10.37882/2223–2982.2024.5.19 |