This article analyzes the novel by A.S. Pushkin’s “The Captain’s Daughter” from the point of view of the use of words with semantic components ‘courage’ and ‘cowardice’. The study of this group of vocabulary is carried out on the basis of the “Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech” by L.G. Babenko (2011) and “New Explanatory Dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian Language” by Y.D. Apresyan (2003). Differences and connections between lexical units with opposite meanings are most clearly manifested in a literary text. This is confirmed by the analysis of words that implement the semantic opposition “courage” and “cowardice” in the novel “The Captain’s Daughter”, for which the “Dictionary of Pushkin’s Language” by V.V. Vinogradov.
Keywords:semantic opposition, word meaning, synonyms, antonyms