The article substantiates the need to generalize the pedagogical experience of organizing environmental education in primary and secondary schools in China. Based on a retrospective analysis of the development of environmental education and government documents, information on the most popular methods of environmental education systematized.
Purpose of the study: retrospective analysis of the pedagogical experience (methods) of organizing environmental education in China based on government documents.
Hypothesis: based on the assumption that with the help of theoretical methods used to detect, record and interpret data related to the most important approaches to understanding the theory and practice of environmental education, it is possible to identify certain patterns or consistently recurring connections that characterize the features of the development of theoretical and practical aspects of environmental education in schools in China.
Methods and materials. General logical methods were used (retrospective analysis of the experience of implementing environmental education tasks, systematization of environmental education methods and definition of the goals of each method, etc.) and special methods (specific historical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on environmental education issues, generalization of environmental monitoring data in China).
The empirical array of the study consists of official international and state documents of the PRC, scientific works and articles by Chinese and foreign researchers.
Results. Teachers determine the methodological tools, guided by the needs and interests of schoolchildren, the goals of education, the nature and possibilities of various teaching methods. Their task is improving the effectiveness of environmental education and developing in primary and secondary school students an understanding of the environment, a sense of responsibility and the development of the ability to solve existing and emerging environmental problems. For this purpose, methods of activating the cognitive activity of schoolchildren are traditionally used.
Keywords:environmental education, teaching methods, outdoor teaching method, project teaching method, problem teaching method, value clarification method, game method, situational simulation method.