Instrumentation, metrology and information-measuring devices and systems
Radio engineering and communication
Optimal digitalization of military communication systemsIsakov E. E., (Military Academy of communications named Marshal Of the USSR S.M. Budyonny) Myakotin A. V., (Military Academy of communications named Marshal Of the USSR S.M. Budyonny) Krivtsov S. P., (Military Academy of communications named Marshal Of the USSR S.M. Budyonny) Gubsky O. A., (Military Institute of Physical Culture)
P. 22-26 |
method of objective assessment of audio quality of compact sound systemsPakhomov M. , (PhD student, The Bonch-Bruevich Saint - Petersburg State University of Telecommunications ) Rognov V. , (PhD student, The Bonch-Bruevich Saint - Petersburg State University of Telecommunications) Kovalgin U. , (Dr Sc, professor, The Bonch-Bruevich Saint - Petersburg State University of Telecommunications)
P. 27-36 |
Computer science, computer engineering and management
Clinical medicine
Stages in the development of procedures for delivering medical care in modern RussiaZapevalin P. V., (Assistant Professor, Department of public health and health care Irkutsk state medical Academy of postgraduate education) Kicul I. S., (Doctor of Sciences, Professor, head of the Department of public health and health care Irkutsk state medical Academy of postgraduate education) Taevskij B. V., (PhD, associate Professor, Department of public health and health care Irkutsk state medical Academy of postgraduate education )
P. 86-93 |
The effectiveness of treatment of tuberculosis in patients with HIV infectionSinitsyn M. V., (Ph.D., Senior Research Associate, Deputy Chief Medical Officer (for work with patients with HIV / TB co-infection), Moscow Scientific and Clinical Center for TB Control) Ayusheeva L. B., (Ph.D., head of the dispensary department for patients with HIV / TB co-infection, Moscow Scientific and Clinical Center for TB Control) Galstyan A. S., (candidate of the degree Ph.D., phthisiatrician of the tubercular pulmonary department, Moscow Scientific and Clinical Center for TB Control)
P. 98-103 |
Functional disorders of the muscular-joint complex in the persons, with high speech and psychoemotional loadYatsuk A. V., (The candidate of medical Sciences
Chief physician, oral surgeon Novo dent on the base
Novokuznetsk state medical refresher Institute – branch of Federal state budgetary educational institution of additional professional education "Russian medical Academy of continuous education" (NGIUV – branch FGBOU DPO RMAPO Ministry of health of Russia)
) Sivolapov K. A., (Doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, Novokuznetsk state medical refresher Institute – branch of Federal state budgetary educational institution of additional professional education "Russian medical Academy of continuous education" (NGIUV – branch FGBOU DPO RMAPO Ministry of health of Russia))
P. 109-112 |