Alexandrova Maria Evgenievna (specialist, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great)
The solution of the problem of signal filtering is presented on the basis of preliminary suppression of non-singled out harmonics. In theory, the possibility of concentrating the fundamental energy of the spectrum in any harmonic is proved. In this case, three systems of pulse signals were considered in which a different number of non-isolated harmonics near the filtered harmonic was reduced to negligible values. The practical solution of this problem is that when multiplying the frequency with subsequent filtering in a highly stable quartz oscillator, high-Q circuits are no longer required, which makes it possible to use small-size versions of low-Q filtering of signals.
Keywords:signal filtering, quartz oscillator, circuit quality factor, pulse, harmonics, coefficients, amplitude.
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Citation link: Alexandrova M. E. Frequency multiplication in highly stable quartz oscillators on the basis of energy redistribution in the spectrum by harmonics // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2018. -№07. -С. 49-60 |