Yashnov A. A. (Chita state medical Academy)
Lobanov S. L. (Chita state medical Academy)
Konovalova O. G. (Chita state medical Academy)
Hanina Y. S. (Chita state medical Academy)
Dodonova O. V. (City clinical hospital №1 of Chita)
Yashnova N. B. (Clinical medical center city of Chita)
Sharp's syndrome is a rare autoimmune disease. In the blood of the patient there is an increase in autoantibodies to ribonucleoprotein. Sharpe's syndrome most often manifests itself as a hereditary disease. In the early stages of Sharpe's syndrome is characterized by a violation of blood supply in the peripheral parts of the limbs. Sharpe's syndrome is difficult to diagnose. Complex therapy of Sharpe syndrome in the early stages leads to a favorable prognosis for life. Surgical treatment is used in the visceral form of the disease, which is accompanied by intestinal perforations.
Keywords:Sharpe's syndrome, autoimmune disease, lupus, scleroderma, polymyositis, intestinal perforation
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Citation link: Yashnov A. A., Lobanov S. L., Konovalova O. G., Hanina Y. S., Dodonova O. V., Yashnova N. B. Sharp's syndrome a surgeon's view // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2018. -№12. -С. 207-210 |