Ghosh K. P. (Volgograd State Technical University)
Shcherbakov M. V. (Volgograd State Technical University)
This work relates to the task of research and management of the reorganization of the structures of social institutions. The development of science-based management methods for reorganizing the structures of social institutions of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh is an urgent scientific task. The paper considers the development of a model of the management process of the reorganization of the structures of social institutions and a model of the management process of a change in the organizational structure of an existing site or institution. The paper also considers an example of the use of a management process model, a change in the organizational structure of an existing node in order to increase its efficiency.
Keywords:management process model, reorganization of structures, management of reorganization, change in organizational structure.
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Citation link: Ghosh K. P., Shcherbakov M. V. Model of management process change of organizational structure of existing institute in the process of reorganization of social institutes of Bangladesh // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2019. -№04. -С. 50-56 |