Kolychev Victor Sergeevich (Postgraduate, Russian University of technology (MIREA))
Petrov Andrey Borisovich (doctor of engineering, Russian University of technology (MIREA) )
The problems of design of game applications are considered and ways of their elimination are revealed. The concepts of correct solution and optimal solution are considered. The problems in the development of computer games are revealed. The risks of creating game applications are considered. The requirements that contribute to the elimination of significant problems that interfere with the proper design of gaming applications at the stage of their development.
Keywords:Computer games, social networks, development, industry, design.
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Citation link: Kolychev V. S., Petrov A. B. The problem of optimal design in the development of gaming applications // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2019. -№05. -С. 67-71 |