Belov Mikhail Aleksandrovich (Candidate of Technical Sciences, assistant professor, Dubna State University)
Lupanov Pavel Evgenyevich (Postgraduate, Dubna State University)
Minzov Anatoliy Stepanovich (Postgraduate, Dubna State University)
Tokareva Nadezhda Aleksandrovna (Postgraduate, Dubna State University)
The paper presents a concept of virtual infrastructure management based on visual models in the virtual computer lab environment. The purpose of the management system improving is to decrease the requirements for the necessary basic knowledge and skills of students to start productive work in the virtual computer lab environment. Creating and deleting virtual machines, as well as modifying their configuration, designing the necessary network topology ensuring the interaction of virtual machines is accomplished by simple manipulation of graphical objects through a web interface. This provides structural interaction between real hardware and software components of the virtual computer lab, as well as visual representations of the pipeline of necessary technological operations.
Keywords:Virtualization, Containerization, Cloud Computing, Management, Virtual Computer Laboratory, Training of IT Specialists, Innovation in Education
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Citation link: Belov M. A., Lupanov P. E., Minzov A. S., Tokareva N. A. Virtual infrastructure management based on visual models in the virtual computer lab environment // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2019. -№06-2. -С. 41-46 |