Moryakina Svetlana Vasilyevna (Candidate of Biology, Associate professor, Chechen state university, Grozny )
Anzorov Vakha Askhadovich (Doctor of biology, Professor, Chechen state university, Grozny)
The purpose of our researches consisted in studying of change of number of platelets, the trombotsitarnykh of indexes and SOE at students before passing an examination on the basis of indicators of the hematologic analyzer and SOE-meter. The received results confirms close connection of a psychoemotional stress at healthy students with changes in the system of a hemostasis. Sexual differences were noted from number of platelets (PLT) and % of a ratio of width of distribution of a platelet (PDW). After the examination at girls these indicators tended to decrease, and at young men – to increase. During the conducted researches, decrease in size of the trombotsitokrit (PCT) and average volume of platelets (MPV) both at girls, and at young men, after the examination in comparison with the control registered prior to the examination was also established. Stable increase in speed of subsidence of erythrocytes in both groups of students after examination influence was also recorded.
Keywords:heterosexual students, concentration of platelets, trombotsitarny indexes, speed of subsidence of erythrocytes, emotional stress.
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Citation link: Moryakina S. V., Anzorov V. A. Dynamics of changes of number of platelets, trombotsitarny indexes and SOE at students before passing an examination // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2019. -№06-2. -С. 11-14 |