Kashirskaya Elizaveta Natanovna (Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, MIREA - Russian Technological University)
Samusev Sergey Aleksandrovich (Teacher, School №1547)
Development of digital machine-building production makes increased requirements to quality of realization of technological processes which is defined by condition of the equipment. The index of its state considering critical parameters of the equipment and its accessories and also equipment failure consequence can be applied to assessment of the equipment. Final operation when receiving details is grind which eventually and defines their quality. The accuracy of processing is influenced by the errors arising owing to unbalance of the rotating parts of metal-cutting machines, in particular, of unbalance of grinding wheel
Keywords:grinding wheel, balancing, auto-balancing device, transition process, quality of grinding
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Citation link: Kashirskaya E. N., Samusev S. A. Transition processes at balancing the grinding wheel // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2019. -№08. -С. 53-57 |