Bayrikov Ivan Mikhailovich (doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, Samara state medical University )
Blokhina Elena Vladimirovna (Dentist, Samara state medical University)
The evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of dental hemostatic set "Hemoblock DENT" in the planned removal of teeth in patients with hemophilia. Based on the principles of evidence-based medicine, a comparative analysis of the results of treatment of two clinical groups of patients with hemophilia in the near and early postoperative periods. Significantly better clinical results in the form of a significant reduction of bleeding time from the hole of the removed tooth, reducing the risk of postoperative alveolitis and early restoration of the chewing apparatus function were achieved in all patients of the clinical group in which the dental hemostatic set "Hemoblock DENT" was used, which allows to recommend it for use in dentistry.
Keywords:Hemoblock dent, Alveolitis, Destruction of teeth, Hemostatic sponge, intra and postoperative bleeding, Revoled
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Citation link: Bayrikov I. M., Blokhina E. V. The use of medical drug “Hemoblock DENT” in patients with hemophilia in dentistry // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2019. -№08. -С. 146-148 |