Mansurov Alexandr Valerievich (candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor, Altai State University)
Schetinin Daniil Sergeevich (Altai State University)
Route leaks and route hijacking are the most known actions that cause severe problems for BGP-4 routing and affect the overall connectivity and reliable operation of the Internet. The proposed solution enables automatic identification of route leaks and hijacked routes relying on the information from the Internet routing registries. The solution does not require modification of current software of BGP-4 routers of a monitored telecom carrier. Routes being identified as suspicious or malicious are effectively blocked by the proposed solution thus preventing further distribution of such routes by the monitored telecom carrier and affecting its directly connected neighbors.
Keywords:Border Gateway Protocol (BGP-4), BGP seecurity, network security, routing, telecom carrier
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Citation link: Mansurov A. V., Schetinin D. S. Automatic detection and distribution prevention of incorrect BGP-4 routing information // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2019. -№08. -С. 78-84 |