Chekotilo Elena Yurievna (candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, Samara state technical university)
Prosvirina Darya Andreevna (lecturer, Samara state technical university)
Kichigina Olga Yurievna (candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, Saint Petersburg state marine technical university)
One of the development priorities for today’s universities is transition to project-focused management. Presents analysis and information project management system for Flagship University’s development program. System provides for automate projects planning and operation control in terms of funds expenditure and target achievement due to its software implementation. The proposed system could be an effective tool to improve the university’s financial management quality.
Keywords:University’s development program, management of project funding, analysis and information system
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Citation link: Chekotilo E. Y., Prosvirina D. A., Kichigina O. Y. Analysis and information financial management system for flagship university’s development program // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2019. -№08. -С. 136-139 |