Martyshkin Alexey Ivanovich (candidate of technical sciences, docent, Penza state technological University)
Vorontsov Aleksandr Anatolievich (candidate of technical sciences, associate Professor, Penza state technological University )
The article describes the principles and algorithms of operation of the digital devices module, designed to interface PC via PCI Express bus with systems and devices via digital data channels. The module registers will be accessed via a 32-bit PCI Express bus. The described device can be implemented using XILINX xc6slx4 FPGA. The field of application of the digital devices module, designed to interface PC via PCI Express bus with systems and devices via digital data channels are data flow processing systems. Development can be used as a universal tool in the simulation, research and debugging of various devices. In conclusion, the main conclusions were made on the work done.
Keywords:hardware unit, interface, controller, microcontroller, chip, FPGA, control machine, function diagram, digital data channel, bus
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Citation link: Martyshkin A. I., Vorontsov A. A. Hardware unit for pairing digital data channels with PC // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2019. -№10. -С. 124-130 |