Arsakhanova Gayna Abdulaevna (Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Chechen State University)
At the present stage, for tick-borne borreliosis, characterized by a predominant lesion of the nervous system, the term "neuroboreliosis"is used. In patients with BL (Lyme disease), the frequency and severity of lesions of the nervous system varies depending on their place of residence and ranges from 11% to 40%. This figure in Central and North America is about 11%, in the European Union-29-33%, in Asia-16%. According to the latest data, the incidence of neuroboreliosis is 2÷4 times higher than tick-borne encephalitis.
In Russia, to date, the statistics of the incidence of neuroboreliosis is not maintained. However, it is possible to get an idea about the level of morbidity indirectly.
Keywords:neuroboreliosis, nervous system disease, clinical features, Lyme disease
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Citation link: Arsakhanova G. A. Clinical features of the defeat of the nervous system in Lyme disease // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2019. -№11-2. -С. 96-99 |