Le Tkhu Chang (Bashkir State Medical University)
Lazarev Sergey Anatolievich (MD, Associate Professor, Bashkir State Medical University)
The forward movement and the onset of lightning set the downward movement during chewing. Premolars are a kind of “crushers” of the occlusal load, since during the formation of multiple inter-tubercular interaction, a change in the diversity of lobar premiums occurs, and the bioelectric potential of the masticatory muscles changes. In this work, we studied microcirculation in the region of the upper blood vessels, premires and the first molar in various functional states. blood flow by ultrasonic dopplerography apparatus "Minimax-Doppler-K".
Keywords:gnatology, occlusion, ultrasound dopplerography, microcirculation, premolars, molars
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Citation link: Le T. C., Lazarev S. A. Study of driven loads to micro-circulator bed of various teeth groups // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2019. -№11. -С. 164-172 |