Samorodov Nikolai Alexandrovich (head of diagnostic Department, Tuberculosis dispensary health ministry the KBR)
Sabanchieva Zhanna Huseynovna (doctor of medicine, Professor, Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov)
Almova Irina Chazhismelovna (candidate of medical Sciences, associate Professor, Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov)
Nalchikova Marina Tembulatovna (candidate of medical Sciences, associate Professor, Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov)
Sizhazheva Sofiat Hasenovna (Assistant, Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov)
The article analyzes the result of treating a patient with the use of the valve endobronchial. The application of this method was made for the first time in the TB dispensary of Nalchik, namely in the North Caucasus Federal District, which is the reason for the scientific analysis of this case. The method proposed patient H., 22 years with fibro-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis, upper lobe of right lung, phase of infiltration and contamination, MBT+, which despite ongoing antibiotic therapy given BK remained abundant bacterial excretion remained fibrous cavity decay, non-surgical treatment, and also had persistent symptoms of functional disorders. The endobronchial valve that we used during the surgery resulted in therapeutic hypoventilation in the affected area of the lung while maintaining the drainage function of the blocked bronchus and the destruction cavity. Dynamic observation was carried out: immediately after the installation of the bronchoblocker, as well as x-ray and bacteriological control through 1, 3 months. The patient has a positive trend: a satisfactory General condition of the patient, normal laboratory and biochemical tests. Received a negative sputum smear for MBT all the methods. Radiography of the chest in the dynamics of the decay cavity is not determined. The use of endobronchial check valve in a patient with fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis contributed to a hypoventilation and atelectasis creation in the afflicted portions of the lung and promotes stabilization and regress of tuberculosis process.
Keywords:endobronchial valve treatment of tuberculosis, fibro-cavernous lung tuberculosis
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Citation link: Samorodov N. A., Sabanchieva Z. H., Almova I. C., Nalchikova M. T., Sizhazheva S. H. New technology in the valve of the bronchial blocking in a patient with fibro-cavernous lung tuberculosis // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2019. -№2. -С. 99-104 |