Kalistratov Dmitry Sergeevich (Tula State University)
the compression of digital video images is considered, an example of additional compression of the high-frequency component of the wavelet - Haar transform, based on the solution of the variational calculus with compression priority adjustment on the principle of code volume - image quality is discussed, the construction of the target functional is given, an example of solving a variational task by Lagrange method of indefinite factors is presented, the necessary and sufficient conditions for its extremum are analyzed in detail.
Keywords:digital video image, compression, amount of code, image quality, priorities, functionality, extreme solution, necessary and sufficient conditions for an extremum, Euler equations, Hesse matrix
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Citation link: Kalistratov D. S. Necessary and sufficient condition of the functional extremum in the tasks of digital video image compression, solved by methods of classical variation calculation // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2019. -№3. -С. 74-79 |