Bondarenko Roman Nikolaevich (National Research University Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow)
Romanenkov Aleksandr Mikhailovich (National Research University Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow)
The Development of multithreaded cross-platform and productive applications is particularly relevant today, as modern services and resource-intensive methods due to their efficiency. High productivity is one of the main factors that affects the quality of the product sold. The speed of the application is directly related to the speed of execution of tasks, which can be increased by parallelizing them using multiple threads. When working with threads, there are many different subtleties. Some of them are working with threads under different operating systems, thread synchronization, memory access control. Their knowledge and understanding in the development is the key to a successful final product.
Keywords:Flow, Multithreading, Qt Framework 5, cross-Platform, Bystrodeistviya, Performance
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Citation link: Bondarenko R. N., Romanenkov A. M. Threading in Qt 5 and treatment of critical situations in multi-threaded applications // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2019. -№3. -С. 45-51 |