Popov Artem Anatolyevich (Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Ural State Medical University)
Arkhipov Kirill Vladimirovich (Assistant, Ural State Medical University)
Asheeva Ekaterina Pavlovna (Ural State University)
Bersenev Andrey Dmitrievich (Ural State University)
Rakhlina Anna Alexandrovna (Ural State University)
Maintaining a high mortality rate, together with variability, clinical manifestations and diagnostic complexity leads makes the stratified aortic aneurysm a dangerous nosology that requires high alertness from medical specialists who works with emergency situations. This article summarizes the titles of pathogenesis, the basics of diagnosis, classification of aneurysms, and also presents the results of a retrospective analysis of eleven clinical cases that ended in fatal outcomes. In the course of the studies, various options for the clinical manifestation of pathology, an analysis of the diagnostic measures performed, and the results of comparing the identified clinical diagnoses with pathological data were presented. We described the main errors of the diagnostic search and proposed a checklist for differential diagnosis.
Keywords:stratified aortic aneurysm, mortality, diagnosis, errors, algorithm.
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Citation link: Popov A. A., Arkhipov K. V., Asheeva E. P., Bersenev A. D., Rakhlina A. A. Errors in the practical diagnosis of stratified aortic aneurysm // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2020. -№01. -С. 209-214 |