Tulupova Marina Sergeevna (candidate of medical sciences, Doctoral candidate, RUDN University)
Khamoshina Marina Borisovna (doctor of medical sciences, Рrofessor, RUDN University)
A huge number of men reproductive dysfunction causes are known, among which the leading position is up to urogenital tract infection. The aim of our study was to investigate the infectious factor of spermatogenesis lesions in 2198 men aged 24 to 52 years from couples with miscarriage. The results indicate the presence of pathospermia in 89.0% of the examined men, while asthenozoospermia (100%), an increase in the pH of the ejaculate medium to 7.9-8.0 (100%), and antisperm antibodies (91.9%), increased viscosity of ejaculate (63.3%), the presence of mucus and microflora (44.3%), teratozospermia (35.4%) were mainly diagnosed. In 60.5% of patients was diagnosed papillomavirus infection, in 39.5% – herpes virus; Cl.trahomatis was detected in 45.2%, Tr.vaginalis – in 4.8%, U. urealyticum – in 85.5%, and M. Hominis – in 43.5%. It is recommended that men are needed to be included in the mandatory algorithm for pregravid examination and treatment in families with miscarriage.
Keywords:miscarriage, pathospermia, asthenozoospermia, human papillomavirus, Cl.trahomatis, men.
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Citation link: Tulupova M. S., Khamoshina M. B. Miscarriage of infectious genesis: male factor issue // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2020. -№03. -С. 176-179 |