Zhdanov Ivan Alexandrovich ( postgraduate, Saint-Petersburg Mining University)
Brigadnov Igor Albertovich (Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Saint-Petersburg Mining University)
This paper presents the results of the study of the applicability area of the developed pseudo-two-dimensional reservoir model, as well as the validation of the calculation results using synthetic cases and using retrospective analysis. Based on the study, it was concluded that the algorithm allows, taking into account the assumptions inherent in the initial models, to describe the physical processes in the reservoir and the well with a reliability acceptable for making production decisions. In addition, it allows you to perform calculations under conditions of high uncertainty in the input data and has extensive automation capabilities while maintaining a high speed of calculations.
Keywords:reservoir proxy model, development optimization, oil field development, geological and hydrodynamic models
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Citation link: Zhdanov I. A., Brigadnov I. A. Study of the field of applicability of the pseudo-two-dimensional reservoir model KARAT // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2020. -№08. -С. 63-72 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2020.08.14 |