Doroshenko Nadezhda I. (Postgraduate, Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping; Head of environmental support Department, Ltd "Saint-Petersburg Ecology")
Belov Daniil M. (Dr. of Geographical Sciences, professor, honored ecologist of the Russian Federation, Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping)
Tarasenko Olga A. (candidate of Geographical Sciences, independent researcher)
The article describes the use of shore protection structures to control the configuration of the coastline, namely the restoration of the coastal zone, through the inclusion of natural processes. The most common method of restoration of the coastal zone is the construction of reinforced concrete protective structures and structures that eventually require expensive repairs and dismantling, as well as an embankment of beach - forming material-gravel and sand to create a full-profile beach, with constant additions during operation. These methods of restoration of the coastal zone are very expensive, in addition to economic shortcomings, the creation of a full-profile beach for the areas of Krasnaya Gorka and the village of Lebyazhye is impossible due to the lack of sufficient material in previously explored reserves and quarries. The designs offered for inclusion of natural processes of self-recovery of the coastal zone, self-destructive, i.e. not requiring further repair, dismantling. The proposed method, the creation of an incomplete profile of the beach, by stabilizing the processes in the coastal zone due to the device of self-destructing coastal protection structures, including natural processes of self-healing coastal zone, is the most cost-effective and physically accessible option for such areas of the coast as the Red hill and the village of Lebyazhye in view of natural conditions, such as sea level rise, as the prevalence in recent years, winds specific directions.
Keywords:Self-rehabilitation of the coastal zone, protective structures, coastal zone, reshaping of the coastal zone.
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Citation link: Doroshenko N. I., Belov D. M., Tarasenko O. A. Modern aspects of natural analogues using with the aim of self-restoration of the coastal zone // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2021. -№03. -С. 28-33 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2021.03.11 |