The functioning of the human body is subject to certain chronobiological laws. Circadian (circadian, circadian) rhythms are autonomous from external influences and last from 20 to 28 hours, but normally they are synchronized daily with the 24-hour day-night cycle. The generation of circadian rhythms is carried out by the suprachiasmal nuclei of the anterior hypothalamus. Melatonin, the main hormone of the pineal gland, is an important pacemaker that transmits information about the light regime to the body, regulating the sleep-wake cycle. The functioning of the suprachiasmatic nuclei and pineal gland is in a reciprocal relationship. The level of activity of metabolic and physiological processes, the secretion of most hormones and biologically active substances are under biorhythmological control and have a certain seasonal and daily (in daily 24-hour cycles) dynamics, and in some cases are closely related to sleep (certain stages). [1] This organization is essential to increase the metabolic efficiency of the body. Circadian mismatch, most often caused by untimely exposure to light, disturbed sleep or food intake, impairs glycemic and lipid control, negatively affects factors involved in energy balance and body weight control, disorders the rhythms of hormone secretion, which contributes to the appearance of metabolic and hormonal disorders. In patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, circadian rhythm disorders occur regardless of external factors. This article discusses the influence of the circadian metabolic system: regulation of glucose and lipid metabolism, the organization of the correct secretion of hormones, the secretion of adipocytokines, as well as the consequences of circadian dysrhythmia in obese patients. This knowledge will help to optimize the management of such patients in the practice of an endocrinologist.
Keywords:somnology, circadian rhythms, circadian disorders, endocrinology, obesity, metabolic syndrome, carbohydrate metabolism, lipid metabolism