Protasov Andrey Vitalievich (MD, Professor, RUDN University)
Mekhaeel ShehataFakhryMekhaeel (graduate student, RUDN University)
Dzhabiev Ayaz Aydynogly (graduate student, RUDN University)
Kulakova Anna L. (PHD, Assistant, RUDN University)
Ibragimov Elcin Sakhavatogly (graduate student, RUDN University)
The article is devoted to modern methods of surgical treatment of inguinal hernia. The urgency of the problem is shown due to the high prevalence of the disease, the high risk of relapses after surgical treatment. The main methods of surgical treatment of inguinal hernias in modern herniology are described. A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of endoscopic inguinal hernia repair using transabdominal preperitoneal (TARP) and transabdominal extraperitoneal plastic (TER) was performed. The results of the postoperative period are shown, depending on the mesh endoprosthesis used. The advantages and disadvantages of the open and laparoscopic method of hernioplasty are revealed. The effectiveness of the use of tension-free seamless methods of open plastic surgery of inguinal hernia is shown. Modern methods of video endosurgical hernioplasty are described. It is concluded that the variety of existing methods of surgical treatment of inguinal hernias causes the problem of choosing effective methods of surgical intervention, taking into account the risks of chronic pain syndrome and the development of inguinal hernia recurrence.
Keywords:inguinal hernia, endoscopic hernioplasty, laparoscopic hernioplasty, mesh endoprosthesis.
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Citation link: Protasov A. V., Mekhaeel S. , Dzhabiev A. A., Kulakova A. L., Ibragimov E. S. Modern methods of surgical treatment of inguinal hernia // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2021. -№08. -С. 199-201 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2021.08.27 |