Solovyov Sergey Vladimirovich (Candidate of technical Sciences, chief designer of RSC Energia S. P. Korolev)
this article discusses the development of an automated system for monitoring the state of spacecraft. The necessity of development of automated state control tools is identified and justified. Based on the research, the author suggests an approach to developing a system that allows automating routine tasks of a control group specialist in terms of analyzing telemetry information, visually displaying the results of automated state analysis, and implementing interactive information support for a specialist in the operational shift of the spacecraft flight control. The requirements for the most popular automation tasks are formalized in terms of the needs of specialists in operational flight control of the SPACECRAFT. The focus is on solving the problem of automating the process of analyzing telemetry information from the spacecraft.
Keywords:automated control system, spacecraft, monitoring, state analysis, flight control, telemetry information.
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Citation link: Solovyov S. V. Formation of requirements for an automated system for monitoring the state of modern spacecraft // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2021. -№01. -С. 115-120 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2021.01.31 |