Murtazina Alfiya Rustamovna (Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Kosygin Russian State University (Technologies. Design. Art)", Moscow)
Smirnov Evgeny Evgenievich (Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Kosygin Russian State University (Technologies. Design. Art)", Moscow)
The rapid development of network technologies and three-dimensional graphics leads to continuous improvement in the provision of services. The article shows a 3D network visualization technology that does not require downloading components, WebGL, which is more important for overcoming difficulties that arise when transferring and downloading data in a network environment, as well as with visualization technology. A brief overview of the virtual three-dimensional graphics engine based on the integration of WebGL and Blender is given, the concept of using these technologies to create an individual decoration according to the user's design is proposed. The stages of plugin development are shown, the application interface is described, and Python code scripts are provided.
Keywords:three-dimensional graphics, PBR (physically based rendering), plugin, network, web resource, Phyton, VR.
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Citation link: Murtazina A. R., Smirnov E. E. Development of the concept of an Internet application for creating 3D visualization of an individual decoration using WebGL and Blender // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2022. -№01. -С. 82-86 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2022.01.24 |