Sodnomova Larisa Baldanovna (PhD, Senior lecturer, Federal State Educational Institution "Buryat State University" of Higher Education)
Arkhipova Erzhena Vladimirovna (PhD, Senior lecturer, Federal State Educational Institution "Buryat State University" of Higher Education)
The goal of the work was to evaluate hospital and long-term (3-year-old) outcomes of patients with ACS without ST elevation, to conduct a comparative analysis of patients with ACS without ST elevation with performed invasive revascularization and without revascularization. In the course of the study, the case histories of 312 patients with a diagnosis of ACS, who were hospitalized in the cardiology department of the RCH named after A. Semashko in 2019 were used. To assess ambulatory management and long-term outcomes, outpatient cards of patients with a diagnosis of ACS without ST elevation, who were discharged from the RCH named after A. Semashko in 2019 were also used. Results: at the hospital stage, as expected patients with ACS without ST elevation have better hospital outcomes than patients with ACS with ST elevation, coronary angiography (CAG) and invasive revascularization in the hospital period were limited to high-risk death groups, more often recommended by CAG and percutaneous intervention (PCI) in a planned manner. When evaluating long-term outcomes at the outpatient stage of the patients with ACS without ST elevation, the survival rate was higher in the group with invasive revascularization. This proves the importance of risk stratification of patients with ACS without ST elevation and surgical revascularization of the coronary bed to improve the prognosis.
Keywords:ACS with ST elevation, ACS without ST elevation, invasive revascularization, percutaneous intervention (PCI), coronary angiography (CAG), coronary revascularization, coronary bypass surgery.
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Citation link: Sodnomova L. B., Arkhipova E. V. Catamnesis of patients with acute coronary syndrome without segment elevation treated at the N.A. Semashko Republican clinical hospital in 2019 // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2022. -№03/2. -С. 99-105 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2022.03-2.16 |