Smirnov Sergey Nikolaevich (Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor,
Moscow State Technical University
them. N. E. Bauman)
Vasiliev Andrey Savelievich ( Senior Lecturer, Department of Security and Information Technology
National Research University "MPEI")
Ryzhikov Sergey Sergeevich ( Associate Professor of the Department of Security and Information Technology National Research University "MPEI")
Agureev Ivan Alexandrovich (Head of the Educational Laboratory of the Department of Security and Information Technologies
National Research University "MPEI")
An approach to the detection and localization of hidden inhomogeneities in the enclosing structures of the protected premises is proposed, based on the transition from the applied standard set of test signals of the appropriate level at geometric mean frequencies of octave bands to sweeping in the audio frequency range with further visualization of the recorded response. The implementation of this approach will improve the quality of assessing the security of the premises from the leakage of confidential speech information through acoustic and vibroacoustic channels.
Keywords:assessment of the uniformity of the building envelope, assessment of the security of the premises, placement of control points
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Citation link: Smirnov S. N., Vasiliev A. S., Ryzhikov S. S., Agureev I. A. Approach to the assessment of heterogeneities in the environmental structures of the protected premises // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2022. -№11/2. -С. 146-150 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2022.11-2.29 |