Urakov Airat Renatovich (Candidate of of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Docent,
Docent, Department of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics,
Faculty of Informatics and Robotics,
FSBEI HE Ufa University of Science and Technology (UUNiT).
Porechny Sergey Sergeevich (Candidate of of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Docent,
Docent, Department of High-Performance Computing Technologies and Systems,
Faculty of Informatics and Robotics,
FSBEI HE Ufa University of Science and Technology (UUNiT).
The features of the Turing machine are considered, which does not allow the development of a reliable control system with a sufficiently large number of inputs. Based on these features, a set of four conditions is proposed which a new non-Turing machine must fulfill in order to implement reliable control in an environment of any complexity.
The paper shows two types of development on a Turing machine: classic and neural networks. The first two of the formulated conditions are satisfied with the neural networks, but not with the classic approach. The third is performed only with the classic, but not with the neural networks approach. The fourth, in its formulation, is not satisfied with the neural networks approach, but additionally requires the fulfillment of the first two conditions, which means that it is not satisfied with the classic approach either.
Keywords:complex systems; Turing machine; non-turing machine; conditions for the implementation of a complex system; algorithmic control; neural network control
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Citation link: Urakov A. R., Porechny S. S. IMPLEMENTATION OF A HIGH COMPLEXITY CONTROL SYSTEM. APPROACHES AND CONDITIONS // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2023. -№01. -С. 161-165 DOI 10.37882/2223–2966.2023.01.35 |