Eryemina Olga Y. (postgraduate student
of the «Russian State University. A.N. Kosygin
(Technology. Design. Art)»
Russia, Moscow
Railway transport is the most important means of cargo transportation and passenger transportation. By the nature of functioning, all objects of transport infrastructure (OTI) of railway transport are divided into mobile (mobile) and stationary. For each such facility, a regular (normal) mode of operation is established, when all systems are in good order and work without features; and emergency – when a catastrophe, a gathering, an accident, failures, technical malfunctions or other man-made negative events are recorded. The analysis of the annual accident rate revealed that the negative negative impact in normal and emergency modes differ in the intensity and size of the damage. If in normal mode the negative impact has a low and medium intensity, but in emergency mode – medium and high. The author introduces and substantiates a new criterion for improving the effectiveness of assessing the negative impact of railway infrastructure facilities - accident rate. This allows you to: 1) determine the accident rate using an approach to determine the magnitude of the railway risk at a particular facility; 2) develop a system of preventive measures to reduce the accident rate, thereby reducing the burden on the environment.
Keywords: the object of transport infrastructure (OTI), railway transport, accidents, accidents, environment, regular and emergency modes of operation
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Citation link: Eryemina O. Y. THE IMPACT OF STATIONARY RAILWAY INFRASTRUCTURE FACILITIES ON THE ENVIRONMENT: JUSTIFICATION OF THE ACCIDENT CRITERION // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2023. -№01. -С. 24-27 DOI 10.37882/2223–2966.2023.01.15 |