Lukianchikova Anna Alimganovna (applicant, Russian state social University (Moscow))
Zubkova Valentina Mikhailovna (d.b.s., professor
Russian State Social University (Moscow)
Gaponenko Albina Vyacheslavovna (PhD, Associate Professor
Russian State Social University (Moscow)
The article presents data on the agrochemical parameters of the soil, the content of heavy metals in it, as well as the content of heavy metals and the fluctuating asymmetry of the leaves of May lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis, L.) and green strawberry (Fragaria viridis, W.) for three functional zones of the Regional Natural Monument Meaning "Silver Forest". As a result of the research, the outlined territorial differentiation in the content of HMs, as well as Р2О5 and К2О in the soil, was established, changing in the following order: recreational zone > walking zone > reserved zone; At the same time, in general, according to the criterion of severity of environmental situations, the environmental situation in all three zones can be characterized as satisfactory.
Keywords:specially protected natural area, heavy metals, anthropogenic load, concentration factors, total pollution index
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Citation link: Lukianchikova A. A., Zubkova V. M., Gaponenko A. V. COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT FUNCTIONAL ZONES OF THE NATURAL MONUMENT "SEREBRYANNY BOR" ON THE BASIS OF THE ANALYSIS OF SOIL AND VEGETATION SYSTEMS // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2023. -№03. -С. 25-31 DOI 10.37882/2223–2966.2023.03.25 |