Kovalyova Irina Arkadyevna (Candidate of Biological Sciences
Associate Professor
"North Caucasus Federal University"
Ivancova Nina Vladimirovna ("North Caucasus Federal University" Stavropol)
The article presents an experimental study, during which a study was conducted on the effect of biofungicidal drugs on plant micromycetes. As a result of our experience in vitro, the biological effectiveness of biofungicides was established: «Alirin-B», «Sporobacterin», «Phytosporin-M», «Phytosporin-K», «Garden Rescuer» on plant micromycetes. The data obtained showed that Fusarium sp. showed the greatest sensitivity to all tested drugs. Preparations «Sporobacterin», «Phytosporin-K», «Garden Rescuer» showed complete (100%) suppression of mycelium growth of this fungus. Also, high sensitivity was detected in Penicillium expansum. The drugs «Alirin-B», «Phytosporin-M», «Garden Rescuer» inhibited the growth of mycelium by 100%. Mucor racemosus was affected only by «Phytosporin-K», inhibited growth by 100%. For Aspergillus sp., the only effective (100%) drug is «Sporobacterin». It was revealed that the greatest suppression of growth is provided by drugs: «Sporobacterin», «Phytosporin-K». The study of the properties of safer drugs using laboratory methods using axenic cultures of micromycetes remains relevant in determining the effectiveness of biofungicides. The obtained data can be applied in the field of phytopathology, biotechnology and agriculture.
Keywords:biofungicidal preparations, micromycetes, epiphytic microflora
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Citation link: Kovalyova I. A., Ivancova N. V. EFFECTIVENESS OF BIOFUNGICIDAL BACTERIAL PREPARATIONS FOR PLANTS // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2023. -№05. -С. 29-32 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2023.05.13 |