Vakhromeeva Ekaterina Nikolaevna (cand. tech. Sci., Associate Professor, Department of Automated Information Processing and Control Systems, Russian State University. A.N. Kosygin (Technology. Design. Art))
Trifonov Ilya Alexandrovich (student, Russian State University. A.N. Kosygin (Technology. Design. Art))
This scientific article explores the optimization of transmitted data in a client-server architecture in order to increase service availability and improve system performance. As a result of the optimization carried out, it was possible to reduce the amount of transmitted data by almost five times, which is a significant achievement. This has a positive impact on the availability of the service, especially in conditions of limited mobile network bandwidth or outdated equipment of providers. It is important to note that the size of the data stored on the server remains virtually unchanged.
The use of separating data into "hot" and "cold" categories allows the server to work more efficiently, providing high performance and system reliability. This ensures that the functions of the application perform efficiently and reduce the risk of data loss. The authors of the article emphasize the need to take into account the specifics of each system when choosing optimization methods and data storage mechanisms. Regular monitoring and analysis of application performance are essential components to achieve the best results in optimizing the size of the transferred data.
Keywords:Client-server architecture; data reduction; data sharing; performance monitoring; data optimization methods
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Citation link: Vakhromeeva E. N., Trifonov I. A. OPTIMIZATION OF DATA TRANSFER IN WEB SERVICES ARCHITECTURE // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2023. -№07/2. -С. 41-45 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2023.7-2.06 |