Ignatiadi Evgeny Konstantinovich (Chief Designer for Intelligent Control Systems and Robotics, SSC RF Central Research Institute of RTK, St. Petersburg)
Mikhailov Mikhail Vladimirovich (Head of Department, SSC RF Central Research Institute of RTK, St. Petersburg)
Goncharov Vlas Andreevich (Electronics Engineer of the 2nd category, St. Petersburg State University of Railways of Emperor Alexander I, St. Petersburg, Russia, SSC RF Central Research Institute of RTK, St. Petersburg)
Pozdnyakov Vladimir Andreevich (programmer, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University named after Peter the Great, St. Petersburg, Russia, SSC RF Central Research Institute of RTK, St. Petersburg)
Lobkova Veronika Andreevna (Engineer, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University named after Peter the Great, St. Petersburg, Russia, SSC RF Central Research Institute of RTK, St. Petersburg)
Ostrovsky Artyom Sergeevich (programmer, St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University, St. Petersburg, Russia, SSC RF Central Research Institute of RTK, St. Petersburg)
Lykov Stanislav Viktorovich (Programmer of the 1st category, SSC RF Central Research Institute of RTK, St. Petersburg )
The research conducted in this paper is aimed at the development of remotely controlled robotic systems. In this paper, an uninhabited underwater vehicle and an autonomous crewless boat serve as prototypes on which the solutions presented in the paper are practiced. Among the main tasks solved by these vehicles are: monitoring and assessment of the environment; detection of objects and obstacles; maneuvering; approaching an object. The paper considers the task of docking, in the process of which the construction of images of the working space of the underwater robotic complex is carried out. Algorithms for building 3D images of the working space of the robotic complex in the solution of the docking task are proposed, based on the application of machine learning methods, including search, motion planning, maneuvering and control of robotic complexes for synchronization of an underwater uninhabited vehicle with an autonomous uncrewed boat in conditions of unformalized performing environments. The results of the work show that the application of machine learning methods in solving these problems allows to increase the level of value determining the degree of adaptability of the system, as well as increases the probability of successful performance of tasks, for example, docking.
Keywords:Autonomous underwater vehicle, robotics, intelligent control systems, transform networks, generative-adversarial networks, hybrid architecture, artificial intelligence, machine learning, CALS technologies, highly realistic physical environment, virtual polygon, digital twin, P3P, Kalman filter, KAZE algorithm, DBSCAN algorithm, GAN, RFBN.
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Citation link: Ignatiadi E. K., Mikhailov M. V., Goncharov V. A., Pozdnyakov V. A., Lobkova V. A., Ostrovsky A. S., Lykov S. V. DEVELOPMENT OF AN ALGORITHM FOR AN ADAPTIVE SYSTEM OF AUV DOCKING WITH USV USING MACHINE LEARNING METHODS // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2024. -№01. -С. 63-68 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2024.01.16 |