Goryachkin Boris Sergeevich (candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, Bauman Moscow State Technical University)
Grishin Kirill Pavlovich (undergraduate, Bauman Moscow State Technical University)
Problem Statement. The prospect of using artificial intelligence (hereinafter AI) in the control loop opens up a horizon of opportunities to increase and improve various parameters in the human labor process, starting from the optimization of routine, monotonous tasks and ending with auxiliary actions (up to the implementation of an analytical intelligent assistant). The analysis of the normative component shows the absence of a common standard regulating the intellectual control loop, as well as the absence of a definition as such. In this article we consider and formulate definitions of the management decision, intellectual control loop (hereinafter referred to as ICL), its constituent elements, as well as analyze normative and technical standards regulating their work.
Purpose. To consider the provisions of the subject area based on the analysis of normative-technical standards, documents related to the regulation of the area of the control loop in conjunction with the AI.
Results. The normative-technical standards, documents related to the regulation of the control loop area in conjunction with AI are analyzed. The concepts of managerial decision, intellectual control loop, as well as its separate elements are formulated, which will allow to formulate theoretical and normative-technical provisions more precisely.
Practical significance. The presented information in the form of the scheme and table of the "external" layer of the ICL in the future can be used as a source for the creation of a full-fledged standard regulating the intellectual control loop.
Keywords:Intelligent control loop; artificial intelligence; ergatic system; human-machine system; managerial decision; object and subject of managerial decision, human limitations when working in the control loop, outer layer of the intelligent control loop, standards analysis
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Citation link: Goryachkin B. S., Grishin K. P. ANALYSIS OF REGULATORY DOCUMENTS GOVERNING THE OPERATION OF THE INTELLIGENT CONTROL LOOP // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2024. -№06. -С. 65-73 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2024.06.14 |