Problem Statement. The development in the field of information technology has covered a large number of tools, fulfilling another round in the formation of artificial intelligence (hereinafter AI). At the moment, its use is not limited to any one area, including such as the intelligent control loop of information systems. Having influenced most areas, the very concept of AI and its technical embodiment in the context of the intelligent control loop is pushing towards deeper and more fundamental concepts, the provisions for its use. What we "put" into an AI system (starting from the process of creation, realization and further operation) will determine the output itself. In addition to the technical component, accurately formulated and described issues of trust and ethics play a key role in this. However, with all the advantages of such intelligence (rapid performance of routine, difficult-to-predict tasks, creation of "hybrid" interaction with humans, etc.), it contains some pitfalls (possible threats coming from the artificial intelligence, error, inefficiency in solving some tasks) that require detailed consideration.
Purpose. To consider normative and technical standards related to AI regulation to consider the issues of trust, friendliness, objectivity of AI, determination of essential characteristics of such a system, possible threats.
Results. Regulatory and technical standards related to the regulation of AI are analyzed to consider the issues of trust, friendliness, objectivity, determine the essential characteristics, threats. It is concluded that AI should have the characteristics of friendliness, trust in the structure of the information system control loop for widespread, convenient and efficient use.
Practical significance. The presented information in the future can be used as a source for creating a full-fledged intelligent control loop (hereinafter referred to as ICL), standards, unifying regulations governing its operation.
Keywords:Intelligent control loop, artificial intelligence, essential characteristics, classification of artificial intelligence systems, features, methods and process of trust assurance, system quality.