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Belyaeva Elena Alexandrovna  (Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Internal Diseases, Tula State University Medical Institute )

Risarthrosis is osteoarthritis (osteoarthritis) of the first carpocarpal joint of the first finger of the hand, a disease that begins to develop imperceptibly, but over time causes excruciating constant pain and leads to disruption of the simplest movements of the hand. The article is devoted to topical aspects of the treatment of risarthrosis, which requires special attention due to its prevalence and negative impact on the quality of life of patients. Special attention is paid to the use of polynucleotides as an innovative method capable of modifying inflammatory processes and supporting the regeneration of soft tissues in the joint area. The results of clinical trials conducted on a patient with osteoatritis of the first carpocarpal joint, progressive over time, resistant to various traditional therapies, are being investigated. The positive effects of intraarticular administration of polynucleotides have been revealed, which have an effect on improving the functional state of joints and significantly reduce pain syndrome. The aim of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of various methods of therapy for risarthrosis, including such an innovative treatment method as the use of polynucleotides, which helps to reduce pain, improve the functional state of joints and improve the quality of life of patients with this disease. It is also an important goal to analyze the pathogenetic mechanisms of risarthrosis in order to develop a more holistic and personalized treatment approach. Methods: clinical observation; drug therapy; physiotherapy; injection techniques; psychological methods; clinical trials, including randomized controlled trials to compare new therapies with traditional ones. Results of the study: the conducted study showed that the therapies proposed by the author, including the introduction of polynucleotides, demonstrated an acceptable safety profile with a minimum number of side effects, which confirms the possibility of their widespread use in clinical practice.

Keywords:risarthrosis, polynucleotides, intra-articular injections, pain syndrome, therapy, recovery, clinical observations, functional state of joints


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Citation link:
Belyaeva E. A. RISARTHROSIS: THE COMPLEXITY OF THERAPY, THE EFFECT OF POLYNUCLEOTIDES // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2024. -№10. -С. 179-183 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2024.10.06
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