Gaidasheva Irina Igorevna (PhD, Associate Professor, Moscow Polytechnic Institute, Moscow, Russia)
Tarasova Irina Albertovna (PhD, Associate Professor, Moscow Polytechnic Institute, Moscow, Russia)
Staleva Sofia Denisovna (Student, Moscow Polytechnic Institute, Moscow, Russia)
The object of the study was the strain Streptomyces tauricus 19/97M, deposited in the All-Russian Collection of Plant Protection Products as a potential producer of plant protection products. Previously, the pronounced biological activity of the pigment form strain in relation to the apigment form was described during the treatment of cereal and coniferous plant seeds. The aim of this work was to study the dependence of the accumulation of red spectrum metabolites on the carbon source introduced into the nutrient medium. And also to evaluate the biological activity of the culture liquid after cultivation. The study was carried out using spectrophotometric analysis of the culture liquid at a wavelength of 577.5 nm. Germination energy, germination, and infection of rye seeds after dressing were analyzed using the standard method (GOST 12038-84). The results of the study showed that starch is the most effective carbon source for the accumulation of red spectrum metabolites. The analysis of biological activity also confirmed the effectiveness of these metabolites, but also showed an inhibitory effect on the energy of germination, which is associated with their high concentration during the growth of the producer on starch. Extraction of red spectrum metabolites from the culture liquid and their spectral analysis were carried out. It was shown that the spectra are close to antibiotics of the quinone and anthracycline group, rhodomycins and cinerubins. This work will further allow us to select an effective medium for obtaining biopesticides based on this producer.
Keywords:actinomycete, biopesticide, biological activity, germination
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Citation link: Gaidasheva I. I., Tarasova I. A., Staleva S. D. ASSESSMENT OF THE BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY OF THE PROMISING PRODUCER OF BIOPESTICIDES, STRAIN STREPTOMYCES TAURICUS 19/97M, WHEN GROWING ON VARIOUS SUBSTRATES // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2024. -№10. -С. 17-21 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2024.10.14 |