Trofimov Vladimir Alexandrovich (Doctor of bioscience, National Research Mordovia State University)
Pankina Kira Yurievna (Graduate student, National Research Mordovia State University)
Yushina Yulia Konstantinovna (National Research Mordovia State University)
Lomakin Alexandr Alexandrovich (National Research Mordovia State University)
In this work X. campestris strain M28 was exposed to modified and non-modified DNA (under UV-light and hydrogen peroxide) to study the influence on the viability and xanthan-producing activity of bacteria.
It was shown that the cultivation of bacterial cells with modified DNA has a suppressive effect on X. campestris M28 culture. This effect leading to decrease in biomass and viability of cells as a stress response to the damaging factor.
The addition of native (non-modicated) DNA did not contribute to an increase in xanthan gum yield, but at the same time, CFU and viability decreased. An increase in the level of extracellular DNA can act as a stress-factor, since it indicates the cell death and need to respond to the influencing factor.
Keywords:Xanthomonas campestris, DNA, genome, Gum-operon, strain-producer, xanthan, biosynthesis
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Citation link: Trofimov V. A., Pankina K. Y., Yushina Y. K., Lomakin A. A. RESEARCHING THE INFLUENCE OF NATIVE AND MODIFICATED DNA ON VIABILITY OF XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2024. -№11/2. -С. 32-37 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2024.11-2.32 |