Daeva Sofya Georgievna (Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of PM, RTU MIREA, Institute
Information Technology, Russia, Moscow
Krynetsky Boris Alekseevich (Senior Lecturer of the Department of PM, RTU MIREA, Institute
Information technology, Russia, Moscow
Smolentseva Vladislava Vladimirovna (RSU SocTech, Faculty of Economics,
Russia, Moscow
Trushina Veronika Igorevna (RTU MIREA, Institute
of Information Technology, Russia, Moscow
Modern computing systems have an actively developing field of quantum computers and algorithms. One of the most promising applications is Grover's quantum search algorithm. Today, there is already a description of the algorithm and an assessment of its computational complexity – showing the theoretical superiority of the quantum algorithm over the classical computational process, however, there are no estimates that maximize the accuracy of the results. The article provides a detailed description of the foundation of mathematical modeling of Grover's quantum search algorithm, examples of implementation on small sets of qubits of a computing system, as well as an experimental assessment of the optimal number of calls to the stages of the algorithm. It is shown that the trend has a non-trivial, chaotic pattern, and has outliers.
Keywords:quantum computers, Grover's algorithm, quantum computing.
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Citation link: Daeva S. G., Krynetsky B. A., Smolentseva V. V., Trushina V. I. ESTIMATION OF THE OPTIMAL NUMBER OF ITERATIONS OF THE GROVER QUANTUM ALGORITHM VIA MATHEMATICAL MODELING // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2024. -№11/2. -С. 89-94 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2024.11-2.10 |