Журнал «Современная Наука»

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Roshchin Evgeny Mikhailovich  (Sdi Dent Clinic Candidate of Medical Sciences, Chief Physician, Orthopedic dentist, orthodontist )

Introduction. Occlusive disorders and dysfunction of the masticatory muscles are often accompanied by postural balance disorders, however, the mechanisms and diagnostic criteria of occlusive-postural syndrome remain insufficiently studied. The aim of the study is to develop the concept of occlusal neuromuscular stability and scientific substantiation of protocols for personalized occlusal-postural rehabilitation based on quantitative analysis of neuromuscular and biomechanical parameters of the dental system. Methods. A clinical and instrumental examination of 120 patients with occlusive muscular dysfunction was performed, including computer stabilometry, electromyography of chewing and postural muscles, 3D video analysis of movements of the lower jaw and trunk. The patients were randomized into 2 groups: the intervention group (n=60) received complex treatment combining selective grinding of occlusal surfaces, splint therapy, post-isometric relaxation of masticatory muscles and postural gymnastics; the control group (n=60) received traditional dental treatment. Results. Postural balance disorders were found in 75% of patients with occlusive muscular dysfunction (p<0.05). In the intervention group, normalization of electromyographic activity of the masticatory muscles was achieved in 78% of patients, a decrease in postural imbalance by 64% and an improvement in quality of life by 52%, which is significantly higher than in the control group (p<0.01). The concept of occlusive neuromuscular stability has important theoretical and applied significance for the diagnosis and personalized correction of occlusive postural disorders. The developed protocols of interdisciplinary rehabilitation should be widely implemented in clinical practice.

Keywords:occlusion, postural balance, masticatory muscles, electromyography, stabilometry, splint therapy, interdisciplinary approach


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Citation link:
Roshchin E. M. OCCLUSIVE NEUROMUSCULAR STABILITY AND POSTURAL BALANCE: INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH IN DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2024. -№11/2. -С. 196-201 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2024.11-2.25
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