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Lobaev Igor Alexandrovich  (Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Supervisory Activities in the of the Educational and Scientific Complex for the Organization of Supervisory Activities Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia )

Firsova Tatyana Fedorovna  (Associate Professor of the Department of Fire Safety in Construction Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia )

Meshalkin Evgeny Alexandrovich  (Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Fire Engineering Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia )

Kravchenko Alexander Borisovich  (PhD candidate of the Department of Supervisory Activities of the Educational and Scientific Complex organization of supervisory activities Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia )

The article is devoted to the topic of information synthesis to reduce a large amount of regulatory information in the field of fire safety. The basis of the research is the law enforcement activities of officials of the state fire supervision bodies, operating with large volumes of complex regulatory information in the field of fire resistance of load-bearing structures. The study of the nature of the production of professionally significant information made it possible to formulate approaches to the development of methods that can significantly reduce complex calculation methods for assessing fire risks, replacing them with simple express formulas that can be used by a wide range of users in the field. At the same time, the replacement of complex calculation methods with simple ones makes it possible to reduce the time spent on assessing fire risks for the load-bearing structures of the building by dozens of times. In this regard, the time for assessing the proportionality of the applied mandatory fire safety requirements to the costs of the persons in respect of whom they are established for their implementation is reduced. This is especially true in relation to significant capital investments in fire protection of buildings and structures in the form of fire resistance of the main building structures, which in many respects is an excessive, and sometimes insufficient measure in relation to the real temperature conditions and duration of the fire, which requires an estimated assessment and significantly complicates the implementation of the relevant functions of state fire supervision.

Keywords:state fire supervision, fire resistance, damage, fire, express assessment, proportionality, duration of fire


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Citation link:
Lobaev I. A., Firsova T. F., Meshalkin E. A., Kravchenko A. B. PROPORTIONALITY OF REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS IN THE FIELD OF FIRE SAFETY IN FORECASTING POSSIBLE PROPERTY DAMAGE IN THE EVENT OF A FIRE // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2024. -№11. -С. 90-102 DOI 10.37882/2223–2966.2024.11.18
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