Журнал «Современная Наука»

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Kachalin V. S.  (lead programmer, PhD Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) )

Kalugin A. V.  (Assistant professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) )

In the modern world, there is a trend towards digitalization and automation of various spheres of human life. This development orientation makes it possible to facilitate both daily life and professional activities of a person. As part of decision-making, the introduction of appropriate technologies allows to give preference to the most relevant option based on the existing characteristics, conditions and limitations of a particular situation with minimal human involvement. However, this trend has not affected the field of cosmetic repairs of buildings. Although at the same time, this approach is able to reduce time and financial costs at the earliest stage of repair work or avoid them altogether. The purpose of this work is an analytical review of scientific research conducted in the world, the results of which can potentially be used to create an intelligent decision-making system for carrying out cosmetic repairs of a building. The article itself contains a list and a brief overview of dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Sciences, as well as scientific articles by Russian and foreign authors corresponding to the subject of this work. The analysis of scientific papers indicates the existing interest of scientists in the problem of finding technologies to improve the preliminary preparation for the cosmetic repairs of the building. From a practical point of view, the conducted analytical review of scientific works can be used as a starting point for rethinking the results of the scientific research discussed in this article from the point of view of their application in the design of an intelligent decision-making system for carrying out cosmetic repairs of a building.

Keywords:decision-making system, repair, technology, scientific research, analytical review, building


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Citation link:
Kachalin V. S., Kalugin A. V. ANALYSIS OF TECHNOLOGIES APPLICABLE IN THE DECISION-MAKING SYSTEM FOR CARRYING OUT COSMETIC REPAIRS OF A BUILDING // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2024. -№12. -С. 80-85 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2024.12.19
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