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Krainukov P. E.  (Federal State Institution “Central Military Clinical Hospital named after P.V. Mandryka” of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Moscow Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba” of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia )

Kim E. A.  (Federal State Institution “Central Military Clinical Hospital named after P.V. Mandryka” of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Moscow)

Gudantov R. B.  (Federal State Institution “Central Military Clinical Hospital named after P.V. Mandryka” of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Moscow)

Borisova A. V.  (Federal State Institution “Central Military Clinical Hospital named after P.V. Mandryka” of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Moscow)

Agafonov D. E.  (Federal State Institution “Central Military Clinical Hospital named after P.V. Mandryka” of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Moscow)

Goncharov N. A.  (Federal State Institution “Central Military Clinical Hospital named after P.V. Mandryka” of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Moscow)

This article is devoted to a review of non-opioid analgesics used for pain relief in patients with mine blast wounds (MBW) accompanied by traumatic limb amputations in the early postoperative period, which are recommended in modern clinical practice. Currently, there are several different schemes of conservative drug pain relief for patients with pain syndrome after amputations, but they often include opioid drugs, which entail serious side effects. In this regard, the aim of our work was to analyze the possibility of using modern drugs for pain relief in patients with limb amputations due to MVR in the early postoperative period without the use of narcotic analgesics and regional pain relief methods, to assess the advantages and disadvantages of non-opioid analgesics based on literature data. Materials and methods This article reviews studies that analyze modern drugs used to relieve pain in patients in the early postoperative period. When collecting information, articles from such information resources as: Google Scholar, ELibrary, Pubmed, NCBI, PCM; Springer; Elsevier, EMBASE, Web of Science and PsychINFO were used. Research results Currently, such groups as gabapentinoids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), NMDA receptor antagonists, central analgesics and others are used for the treatment and prevention of postoperative pain.

Keywords:pain syndrome, central analgesics, gabapentinoids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, NMDA receptor antagonists


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Citation link:
Krainukov P. E., Kim E. A., Gudantov R. B., Borisova A. V., Agafonov D. E., Goncharov N. A. MODERN PRINCIPLES OF CONSERVATIVE DRUG PAIN RELIEF FOR PATIENTS WITH TRAUMATIC LIMB AMPUTATIONS IN THE EARLY POSTOPERATIVE PERIOD // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2025. -№01. -С. 215-225 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2025.01.23
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