Erokin Sergey Evgenievich (Assistant of the Department of Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor Medical Institute named after S.I. Georgievsky; FGAOU VO "Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky";
Russia, Simferopol
Ivanov Kirill Romanovich (Order of the Red Banner of Labor Medical Institute named after S.I. Georgievsky. FGAOU VO "Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky";
Russia, Simferopol
Zeynalova Firuza Mekhtikyzy (Order of the Red Banner of Labor Medical Institute named after S.I. Georgievsky. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University;
Russia, Simferopol
Korets Sofia Nikolaevna (Order of the Red Banner of Labor Medical Institute named after S.I. Georgievsky. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University;
Russia, Simferopol
In this article, the methods and one of the most common treatment regimens for patients with Fournier gangrene are clearly studied using the example of a clinical case. A review of domestic and foreign literature is conducted; A brief overview of the patient's medical history is presented, which presents general data and complaints of the patient, the results of physical and laboratory research methods, the patient's clinical diagnosis and treatment methods according to this diagnosis.
Using the example of this clinical case, it is possible to visually trace the stages and one of the treatment regimens for patients with Fournier gangrene, as well as use it as a visual aid.
Keywords:clinical case; non-clostridial phlegmon of the scrotum; Fournier's phlegmon; Fournier's disease
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Citation link: Erokin S. E., Ivanov K. R., Zeynalova F. M., Korets S. N. CLINICAL CASE: A MODERN VIEW ON THE SURGICAL TREATMENT OF FOURNIER'S PHLEGMON // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2025. -№01. -С. 190-194 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2025.01.17 |